HeartStrings Foundation
6 String Heroes
6 String Heroes
6 String Heroes is the core membership program of Heartstrings Foundation.
There are 6 strings on a guitar. Five strings represent each of the five branches of the military. The sixth string is the “Heartstring” which represents the family or loved ones of military members.
Music helps heal hearts and provides a new focus in life. We want to be able to provide the tool and inspiration that can lead to the beginning of their journey.
A gift of $6 monthly continues our mission of putting a guitar in the hands of every veteran, first responder, and hero that needs one.
Without these 6 strings, the music wouldn’t play. It only takes one note to get a perfect melody started.
That one note could be you.


US Army



US Navy

Heart String
The Six Strings on a Guitar
Five strings represent each branch of the military (Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines and Navy). The Sixth String is the “Heartstring”, representing the loved ones of those service members and the millions of Americans whom have been effected by issues related to not just PTSD and suicide, but issues such as addiction and mental health issues.